Tag Archives: grill

lemon + mint grilled lamb chops

8 Jul

I live in a third story apartment above a shop in Chinatown / Kensington market.  I do not have air-conditioning.  This recent heat wave has left me sweating on my couch in my underwear thinking up devious plans to get into cool places.

The best idea I had so far was to go visit my parents.  Not that getting out of the heat was my only motive, I enjoy their company very much, but they DO have central air.  It was the best.

A by-product of visiting them is always wonderful meals.  My dad is a great cook and a lot of my recipes are based on things he’s made for me in the past.  This weekend was lamb chops in a simple marinade along with an orzo salad full of cherry tomatoes, roasted red peppers and delicious caraffa olives.

That was yesterday, today I’m back sweating in the hot heat.  Tomorrow – water slides.

makes 2 servings

lemon + mint grilled lamb chops


  • 6 lamb chops
  • 2 lemons
  • 5 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped
  • 1 handful fresh mint leaves, coarsely chopped
  • 1/4 c olive oil


In a medium bowl juice the lemons, add mint, garlic and olive oil and whisk to combine.  Toss the lamb chops in the marinade and refrigerate, covered, for at least an hour.

Heat grill to high heat.  Pat the meat with some paper towel to remove excess liquid and sear the lamb chops for about 5 minutes on each side.